The Way I See It: My Side of the Story (part 5)

 Part Five.

After learning about Robert Anthony Lopez's (Bobby) arrest, I immediately sent a letter to my trial attorney and also my appellate attorney "in which my trial attorney did not reply" and the appellate attorney about the fact that he was arrested in San Antonio as one of their most wanted criminals and was facing two counts of aggravated sexual assault of a child. The appellate  did not seem too interested. I thought that this was a monumental discovery at the time.  

I had the school's record that said he was not allowed to pick Ashley up from school and it clearly confirmed that the Lopez family referred to him as Bobby.  He was arrested for the same type of crime, What more did I need? Obviously, I had a lot more to learn.

I can't tell you exactly how many times I have read the transcripts, but each and every time I relived that horrible experience, things would become a little bit clearer.  One thing most folks don't know about me is that I'm very good at reading body language. Then you add in that I have this photographic type memory (that's benefited my mechanical abilities greatly). After replaying all the bit's and peace's of this catastrophe in my head I can tell you that the only other person in that courtroom that was having as bad of a day as me was Sonya Lopez.

I could tell that by the way she acted as she answered questions that she really didn't want to answer, that she knew what her mother and daughter were doing was wrong.  It showed greatly.  Margaret and Ashley Lopez  have put her through hell.

I've been in prison since 2011 for a crime that I didn't commit and had very much time to reflect. I am now almost 46 years old and have been completely drug free for 16 years and now see things with a clarity far different than when I was 22 years old and impressed with all the wrong things.

One of the questions I ask myself is if I had known that Sonya was pregnant at the time I left, would I have still left?  Probably so. Would I have left Texas? Probably not.

I based my decision to leave on many different factors and even today I would not tolerate the racial crap Sonya's mother tried to pull with me.  I have always thought that Sonya was probably one of the better women I have ever been with, I just could not compete with her mother.

Another question I ask is am I mad at Ashley for all of this? No. 

Ashley’s now in her 30's I'm sure has realized a few things and knows that she has been manipulated by her grandmother or more appropriately victimized by her grandmother.

As for Margaret Lopez, I have a very small amount of admiration for the length's she went through to protect her son Bobby. I do understand protecting your children by any means necessary. 

Obviously, there's a lot Margaret Lopez does not understand and I doubt she ever will.

There you have it, the only way I know to try and attract people to the site is to tell the story from the way I saw it. 


/s/Bobby Buckner INNOCENT MAN


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